Officers and Committees (2024-2025)
President: Victoria Ware
Vice President: Rebecca Carmi
Recording Secretary: Linda Sandhaus
Corresponding Secretary: Catherine LaCroix
Treasurer: Andrew Fabens
Linda Sandhaus (chair), Jennie Kaffen, Rebecca Carmi
Program Committee
Rob Ware (Chair), Jim Schilling, Victoria Ware, Peter Haas, Tom Mester, Nick Ogen, Jennie Kaffen, Patricia Moore Smith
Calendar Design and Production
Catherine LaCroix
Web Site Committee
Peter Haas
James Saunders
Duties of Officers and Committees
The President presides at meetings and is generally responsible for overall governance of the Club. This includes making sure the other officers are doing their jobs, by means of periodic friendly inquiries and taking care of emergencies. The President serves for a term of two years.
The Vice President is the understudy for the President and presides when the President cannot attend a meeting. Traditionally, the Vice President also takes the minutes when the Recording Secretary is unable to attend. The Vice President will ascend, after a two-year term, to the position of President.
The Corresponding Secretary ensures that members receive any and all mailings, including written notifications of meetings for those members without access to the Internet. The Corresponding Secretary serves a two-year term.
The Recording Secretary takes notes at the meetings. The Recording Secretary also submits the minutes to the Web Manager for posting on the website. Theoretically, the term of office is two years; however, some Recording Secretaries have made it a multi-year entertainment.
The Treasurer collects dues, pays bills and maintains our bank account. The term is two years, but is often extended.
The Web Site Committee preserves and maintains the Club’s electronic archives and updates the website ( Written archives are handled by the Archivist, who submits them to The Western Reserve Historical Society.
Council of Administration and Membership
* There are to be at least three members on the Council, with the most senior member serving as chair for one year. A new member is subsequently added each year, filling the resulting vacancy. Each member will serve for three years, rising through the ranks of the Council.
* The Council has three primary responsibilities: first, to review Club procedures and periodically suggest changes for membership approval; second, to select a slate of officers and present the slate for approval by membership at the annual meeting; and finally, to present prospective candidates for membership.
* A candidate for membership will be presented to the general membership once a sponsor of the candidate submits the required two letters of recommendation and the Council has canvassed all members of the Novel Club individually and confidentially. Four negative responses from the regular membership will constitute rejection of the candidate. The Council will then notify the sponsor of the results.
Program Committee
* The Committee typically consists of at least three members, with the most senior member serving as Chair. New members are added each year, filling any resulting vacancies from retiring members. Members generally serve three or four years on the Committee, rising through the ranks of seniority.
* The Committee’s primary responsibility is to present a list of 18 books (with brief summaries) for selection at the annual meeting. The novels are to be grouped into one of the following categories: classic literature, modern, and a specific genre determined by the committee (i.e., satirical, historical, prize-winners, etc.). Additionally, the Committee may have the discretion to suggest a play, a non-fiction work, a short story, or a biography for one meeting during the following season.
* The Committee is also responsible for assigning to each member the presentation of a biographical or critical paper or hosting duties for the following year, based on the required alternation of duties whereby each member writes a paper one year, and serves as host